Diets to lose weight Fast (32 Tip eating well And Losing the weight)

32 Tips, Eating Well And Losing Weight

diets, diet plan, weight loss, lose weight

Many people only think about dieting, when they want to lose weight (eating). Well,
Mostly all of the fad diets out there tend to cause people to gain their weight. Why? 
Because they starve them to death and the person eventually breaks down and eats everything in sight because they are so darn hungry.  They also deprive them of the foods that they love. 
This is not a way to lose weight, nor is it a way to live. You only cause yourself stress, which actually causes you to gain weight!  

So, in eating right there a few tips that you can follow each and every day and they're not going
to deprive you of the foods that you love, but treat those foods as luxury items so you enjoy
them that much more.  

Tip 1: Eat fresh fruit and vegetables that have high water content.  These are foods like
tomatoes, watermelons, cantaloupe, kiwi, grapes – you get the idea.  All of those fresh and
flavorful juicy fruits and veggies are good for you.  These items contain about 90 to 95% water,
so you can eat a lot of these and they will fill you up without adding on the pounds. 

TIP 2: Eat fresh fruit instead of processed fruit.  Anything that is processed as more sugar. 
Processed and canned fruits also do not have as much fiber as fresh fruits.  
TIP 3: Increase your fiber intake as much as you can.  This usually means eating more fruits
and veggies. 

TIP 4: Veggies are your friends when it comes to shedding pounds.  There are tons of
options here and you may even want to try some you haven't had in the past.  The leafy green
varieties are the best and you always want to work in a salad when you can. Salads are packed
with all nutrients as long as you don't pour too much dre-ssing on and load them with too much
cheese. The leafy greens also have a lot of natural water source.  

TIP 5: Be intelligent about what you eat.  Don't eat just to eat.  Animals eat on instinct;
people eat when they know their body really needs it.  Don't be an impulse eater. 

TIP 6: observe everything you consume from the food itself to what you top it with. 
Garnishments & condiments can wreck a healthy-meal because they are usually high in

TIP 7: Get a handle on the sweet tooth.  This doesn't mean you can't have your sweets; just
don't eat them as a meal.  Always remember that these sweets end up adding to an area that
you don't want them to add to. Don't deprive yourself either though, because then you'll eat
twice as many as you should.  

TIP 8: Set meal times and stick to them.  Try to have your meals at specific times and eat
them at that time.  An eating pattern will help you to control what you eat and when you eat it. 
Also, it really is better to have 5 small meals a day rather than just one or two huge meals.  Just
eating once a day makes your body feel as though it is starving, which packs on fat instead of
using it as fuel. Also, don't wait until your starving to eat.  This only makes you overeat until
you're stuffed. 

TIP 9: Eat only when you are hungry.  Be sure to drink a glass of water first to determine if
you really are hungry or if you are really thirsty.  Many people have the tendency to eat when
they see food.  It doesn't mean they are hungry; they just want to eat it.  Don't eat anything
you're offered unless you really are hungry.  If you feel you must eat it out of being polite, just
nibble, don't have a meal.  

TIP 10: Try not to snack between meals, but if you must have a snack make sure it is a healthy
one.  If you travel a lot try to find healthy snacks and not junk food.

TIP 11: Veggies make great snacks.  They can get you through the hunger pangs if you are
having them.  Carrots are great because they satisfy hunger and they are packed with nutrients.  

TIP 12: Counting calories is a good idea for those must have food items.  If it is a packaged
food item, then it will have the calories on the packaging.  Be sure to pay attention to serving
sizes in terms of calories as well.  An Otis Spunkmeyer muffin is intended to be two servings, so
you have to double the calories listed.  This is where food producers get tricky and you can't fall
in their trap.   

TIP 13: Work off the extra calories by the end of the week.  If you feel you have splurged too
much this week, be sure to get to the gym or go walking a little longer to work off those extra
calories you have consumed.  

TIP 14:  Stay away from all things fried.  If it is breaded, it is better that it is baked.  Fried
foods are immersed in fat and oil.  Even after the excess has oil has been drained away, there is
still oil absorbed into the food item itself.  

TIP 15: Don't skip meals.  You should have, at the very least, three meals a day, but preferably
five small meals. This will keep you from getting hungry during the day and overeating out of

TIP 16: Just like fruits, fresh vegetables are better than those that are canned.  It is even
better if you can eat your veggies raw.  When you cook them, you cook away the nutrients.  If
you must cook them, try to boil them to the point that there is still some crispness to them. 
Also, don't soak them in butter.  If you can buy organic and pesticide free veggies, that is even

TIP 17: Don't eat more than one egg per day.  It is best if you can reduce your egg intake to
three a week. 

TIP 18: Chocolates should be treated as luxury items.  Buy the good stuff and only eat them
every once in awhile.  If you really savor each morsel, you'll experience that much more joy in
eating them and they will taste even better.  

TIP 19: Eat foods from all of the food groups each day.  This is a great way to ensure you are
getting all the nutrients your body needs and it helps to ward off any diet deficiencies.  Also,
don't eat the same foods all the time.  Experiment so that you don't get bored with same old

TIP 20: Try to eat breakfast within an hour of waking up.  This is the best way to give your
body the jump start it needs.  Don't wait until you are really hungry.  Breakfast is important, but
you don't need to stuff yourself.  The idea is that you're breaking the fast from not easting all

TIP 21: Your diet should include all aspects of the food groups including carbohydrates.  In
fact, your diet needs to be about 50-55% carbs.  Carbs are a great source of energy.  Those diets
that prohibit carbohydrates are actually harming you and only making you crave them that
much more.  Your diet should cause you to be deficient in anything. 

TIP 22: Proteins should make up only 25-30% of your diet.  Far too much emphasis is put on
meat as the main part of your meal.  In actuality, it should be considered more of a side dish
rather than the main course. 

TIP 23: Fats should make up 15-20% of your meal.  This is really all the fat your body needs.  A
lot of this is going to be in your diet in the form of cream, sugar and the like.   

TIP 24: Eat more white meat than red meat.  White meat includes chicken, fish and some
other fowl.  Red meat includes beef and pork. 

TIP 25: Try to go as vegetarian as you can.  This really is a healthier lifestyle, even if you can't
cut meat out completely.  The more fruits and veggies you can eat the better.  The more meat
you cut out, the more fat you can cut out of your diet as well.  However, protein is important,
so be certain that your option allows you to maintain good protein levels.

TIP 26: White bread is good, but high fiber multigrain breads are much better.  These breads
are another way to add more fiber to your diet and they also have a good protein level.  

TIP 27: Pork does not assist in weight loss in any way. The less pork you eat, the better off you
will be when trying to lose weight.  Pork has a high fat content and includes food items such as
bacon, ham and sausage.  

TIP 28: Limit your sugar intake as much as possible.  If you must have sweetener in your
coffee and tea, try to find an artificial sweetener that you don't mind the taste of.  However,
these things are not all that healthy either and should be limited as well.  

TIP 29: Try grazing five to six times a day.  These are those small meals we discussed earlier. 
Some people lose weight better when they never feel hungry and grazing on healthy food items
can do this for you.  Plus, it keeps your metabolism working, which will burn fat naturally.  

TIP 30: Don't worry about cheating, but don't cheat for a meal.  Eat sweets and your favorite
cheat food for the flavor only.  If you want dessert after dinner, share one with the whole
family.  You'll get the flavor, but not the pounds.  

TIP 31: Watch your fat intake.  Each fat gram is 9 calories.  If you know your total calories
then you can figure the amount of fat in those items.   

TIP 32: Take it easy on the salt and try to cut what you use in half.  Salt is one of the main

causes of obesity.  

Best Of Your Luck!

Easy Tips for Successful Weight Loss

Easy Tips for Successful Weight Loss

You have finally made the decision to lose weight! Still, you do not know where to start or how to do it. Here are some easy tips that can help you in your quest.
Before you go shopping, you must have a full stomach to not rush on everything under your nose. Go there alone if possible to avoid all temptations ...

Always start your day with a large glass of water. Make it your habit, it will restart your whole body. If you can, opt for warm or warm water and add a squeezed lemon juice.Only weigh yourself once a week, as the weight can change from one day to another (fasting if possible).
Serve once during the meal and eat copiously.
Avoid as much as possible to consume too much salt and reduce the consumption of all foods that contain it such as cheese, cold cuts ...
A single tablespoon of oil is enough when cooking. Avoid consuming too much fat. Opt for non-stick pans or baking sheets.
Walk as much as possible. Forget your car, lift or public transit. It will also help you get some air and always stay in shape.
When you are thirsty, you have the choice between water, lemon juice, natural fruit juice or green tea. Avoid soft drinks.

If you prefer to eat bread, consume it in moderation. Instead, choose cereal bread or wholemeal bread.
Opt for a plate of raw vegetables as input: cucumbers, tomatoes or salad ... Rassassiant and low in calories, you have a very good reason to consume as much as you want. You also have the opportunity to consume a small bowl of soup before each meal.
Drink 1.5 liters of water a day. You can spread it in small quantities that you drink all day.
Never skip a meal, but rather, eat every 4 hours ... in small quantities of course! For snacks, take a yogurt, fruit or raw vegetables.
One of the mistakes you can make is not to have breakfast. Indeed, it is mandatory because it is the only time of the day where you can really enjoy yourself. Even if you are in a hurry, take a quick breakfast, but satiating!
Choose all high-fiber foods such as lentils, beans, oat bran or whole grain cereals.
Brewer's yeast is good for your health. Assassinate, it will allow you to store more easily the bad fats. You will also find it in capsules in the dietary rays.
Brush your teeth after each meal. Indeed, the taste of toothpaste will prevent you from jumping on anything and everything.
Remember to always have to carry lemons. You can integrate it into your recipes or add the juice of a lemon in warm or hot water that you drink each morning.
Do not make draconian diets, that's what will demotivate you even more. Know that a rebalancing of food is enough to gradually lose weight.
In addition to trick # 4, eat slowly and take the time to chew the food for a better feeling of satiety.
Last but not least, take the time to stretch after waking up. Not only will it help you burn a few calories, but you can also stretch your muscles.

The 10 best fruits that speed up the weight loss process

The 10 best fruits that speed up the weight loss process

Some people think that fruits are not as beneficial for weight loss because of their sugar content. Notwithstanding, fruits contain many nutrients that are good for your health and give you a feeling of fullness while consuming a smaller amount of calories.

Also, note that the sugar in fruits is different from the refined white sugar that we produce. Fruits are not carcinogenic, white sugar is!

Here are the best fruits that promote weight loss:

1. Apple

If you follow a strict diet to lose weight, apples must be part of it. An average apple contains about 50 calories and contains no sodium or fat.

Studies on the subject showed that Brazilian women who consumed apples before meals lost more weight compared to women who did not eat apples.

2. Lawyer

Avocado is considered a superfood because of its content of potassium, vitamins, fiber, healthy fatty acids and nutrients. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated oleic acids found in olive oil as well.

Studies have shown that the fatty acids in avocados promote the absorption of nutrients from the vegetables you consume. In addition, you can substitute meat by avocado in your sandwiches!

3. Banana

A banana contains 105 calories and a medium banana is a perfect food and a rich source of energy, especially after exercise. Indeed, bananas prevent acidity, eliminate muscle cramps and even constipation.

4. Guava

Guava is high in fiber and calories and has a low glycemic index, which means you can eat it without the risk of raising your blood sugar. Guava maintains the proper functioning of your digestive system, which leads to the stimulation of the process of weight loss.

5. Kiwi

Kiwis are high in fiber and have a nice sour taste. Kiwi seeds provide you with soluble and insoluble fiber and stimulate your digestive system.

You can prepare a refreshing kiwi-based snack or add it to your favorite smoothie to enjoy its sweet and sour taste.

6. Watermelon

The watermelon is a fruit essential for weight loss. It contains 90% water and a 100 gr serving contains only 30 calories.

In addition, watermelons are rich in amino acids known as arginine that help you burn fat. They hydrate you and give you a feeling of fullness for a long time, so you avoid nibbling.

7. Strawberries

Strawberries are low calorie and a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins. Regular consumption of strawberries is directly associated with good ocular and cardiovascular health in addition to stimulating the immune system.

There are many ways you can eat strawberries, including mixing them with kale or spinach or apple juice to get a delicious and energizing smoothie for breakfast. The whole eating also helps remove mercury from the fish with the seeds all over the fruit!

8. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that help fight water retention in your body and resistance to leptin while promoting weight loss.

9. Oranges

A 100 gr serving of this fruit contains only 47 calories, which is a perfect snack for a person who follows a strict diet. Thanks to their sweet taste, oranges help you to resist sugar cravings.

10. Pears

The pears are high in fiber that you need every day and are beneficial to the digestive system. This fruit lowers cholesterol levels and decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as coronary heart disease. In addition, the fibers in the pears give you a feeling of fullness and boost your energy because of their vitamin C.

The 4 Basic Elements For Weight Loss

The 4 Basic Elements For Weight Loss

You probably hear lots of tips here and there about losing weight. What to do, what not to do, etc.

I like to go back to the basics, the basics. Because it is by understanding things at the base that we can better understand the rest.

It's the same for weight loss.   

In the United States, a study of 3,000 adults who lost an average of 60 lbs, but did not resume them for more than 60 months (5 years), revealed that for the majority of these people, there were four recurring factors:

- Decrease in calorie intake;

- Regular practice of physical activity;

- Weekly weighing;

- Ingestion of a breakfast every morning.

A little physiology

The loss of body fat is directly related to metabolism.

People often hear about metabolism, but not many know what it is.

Metabolism is "the set of biochemical reactions catalyzed by appropriate enzymes and resulting in syntheses (anabolism) or degradation (catabolism) of biological molecules" (OQLF, 1990). It is the set of "physical and chemical exchanges in the tissues through which a body is kept alive and its energy regenerated" (OQLF, 1990).

The metabolism is in two parts: the anabolism which is the synthesis, the construction, and the catabolism which is the degradation, the disassimilation.

If we focus on adipose tissue, the one we want to lose, we must understand the phenomenon of its degradation, the catabolism of fatty tissue.

Lipolysis ( lipo- fatty, lysis: loosening) is "the hydrolysis of fat, resulting in a melting of adipose tissue" (QQLF, 1982). This is "the initial stage of lipid catabolism. Under the action of lipases, triglycerides are hydrolyzed to fatty acids, glycerols and partial glycerides "(OQLF, 1987).

The 2 Week Diet
So, more simply, lipolysis is degradation, melting, loss of body fat.

This is what interests us.

Decrease in caloric intake

Fats that can be hydrolyzed, degraded, lost, come mainly from three places.

First, they come from food, from caloric intake.

Secondly, they come from the fats that are stored in the adipocytes, the fat cells.

And finally, they come from the stores stored in the muscles. However, these are only very small amounts of fat. These are not the fats we are aiming for.

You surely know it, that's what we eat that gives us energy.

And that's what we eat too much - the energy that's contained in food, but we do not spend - that makes us gain weight.

This is the main reason for excess weight: too much caloric or energy intake.

If we eat less, our organization will draw on our reserves to meet its energy needs.

And it will go among other draws in fat tissue, adipocytes: lipolysis.

So the first thing you can do to lose weight is to reduce your caloric intake (Extenso, 2013).

Regular practice of physical activity

This is the second essential.

No matter what you do as a physical activity - running, swimming, cycling, bodybuilding, walking, etc. - there is an energy expenditure.

Even sleeping or breathing while sitting requires energy expenditure.

When your muscles are stressed, they cause your body to consume energy.

And if you have decreased your calorie intake, your body will have to draw on your fat reserves.

This is how weight loss is optimized. By creating a negative energy balance.

Weekly weighing

The 2 Week Diet
For many people, using the scale is an uncomfortable moment.

Many people simply do not weigh themselves because the figure of their body weight becomes a weight itself.

The first use of weighing is to have a quantifiable and measurable data to know its evolution and to be able to note the changes in our body mass.

But it's not just weighing that helps to see changes or fluctuations in weight.

First, there are our clothes. Tightest pants or a hole closer or further down the waist make you realize very quickly that your waistline has changed.

Then there is the tape measure for your waist. Here, as for weighing, there is a measure, a number, a quantity.

And then also, there is the percentage of fat that is calculated by measuring skin folds or with bio-impedance. But these are less accessible techniques.

As a scientist, however, I have to advocate a form of measurement so that you can see your evolution at least by yourself.

The 2 Week Diet
Seeing the numbers over time, in a notebook or the spreadsheet software, you will be able to realize where you come to know where you go.

Note, however, that no matter the measure, always take it in the same conditions. For example, weighing would be done every Friday morning on an empty stomach.

That's how you can measure your progress.

Ingestion of a breakfast every morning

The word "lunch" literally means "undo, stop fasting".

In English, the word " breakfast " is also clear: break: break, fast: fast.

The absence of lunch would be related to excess weight. We can not say it beyond all doubt, but there is a lot of research going on right now.

One fact remains: sitting in the morning or at sunrise and "undoing the fast" is part of the adoption of good habits.

And if your schedule does not allow you to get up early and you're up just around lunch time, you can always say that you are "branches" instead of having lunch.

It's a good health compromise because, in English, the word "brunch" is a contraction of " breakfast " " and " lunch ".
The 2 Week Diet

Study Reveals Weight Loss Surgery Safer Than Thought

Study Reveals Weight Loss Surgery Safer Than Thought

WEDNESDAY, July 29-For those who are considering bariatric surgery to combat significant obesity, a new study suggests that the risk of complications may be much lower than what has already been reported.

The study, which examined both gastric bypass surgery and laparoscopically adjustable gastric banding (lap band surgery), found that the risk of death for these interventions was 0.3% and the risk of a major negative result was 4.3 percent.

"Bariatric surgery is safe," says study co-author Dr. Bruce Wolfe, professor of surgery at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. "Certain factors [such as a history of blood clots, obstructive sleep apnea or impaired functional status] increase the risk of complications, but you can discuss these risks as well as the potential benefits with your surgeon. "

The results of the study appear in the July 30 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

As obesity rates have increased, so is the popularity of bariatric surgery. Although it is a major surgical procedure, the benefits for severely obese people, in general, outweigh the risks. In fact, the risk of death over time is about 35 percent less for someone who has had surgery compared to someone who remains extremely obese, according to background information in the study.

However, surgery is not for everyone. "If you're five or 10 pounds overweight, bariatric surgery is not for you," said Dr. Malcolm K. Robinson, an assistant professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School, and the author of an accompanying editorial in the same issue of the journal.

"Basically, when I or my colleagues advise surgery, it's because the benefits of surgery outweigh the risks. In general, this is the case for a person with a BMI [body-mass index] of 35 and the weight of related health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure, or a person with a BMI of 40 or more, "said Robinson, who added that the risks of surgery keep her down, those of the BMI numbers may decrease even more in the future.

The present study included 4,776 people who underwent one of the following types of bariatric surgery: lap band surgery (1,198 patients), gastric bypass laparoscopy (2,975 patients), open gastric bypass (437 patients) or another process (166). All operations were performed by specially qualified surgeons for this study. All operations took place between March 2005 and December 2007.

The 2 Week Diet

The average age of the study participants was 44.5 years, 22% of the study volunteers were male and 11 percent were nonwhite. The mean BMI of the study was 46.5. More than half of the study group had at least two concomitant conditions, the study authors noted.

The 2 Week Diet
In his editorial, Robinson points out that these procedures may represent "scenarios" because they have been performed by experienced surgeons at high volumes of bariatric surgery centers. However, he said that because the field of bariatric surgery has grown so much in recent years, he believes that these results are the usually achievable phenomenon. "

Both Robinson and Wolfe recommend that anyone considering bariatric surgery should choose an institution that has been designated as a "Center of Excellence" because it means that the surgeon and the entire healthcare team are qualified and experienced.

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