Must Eat Breakfast While Losing Weight!

{losing weight, skip a meal, skip eating, diet to lose weight, lose weight, weight loss goal, weight loss, diet, burn fat}

While losing weight, most PEOPLE would skip eating breakfast by thinking that it is an effective method of reducing weight. Now, what they do not realize is that this technique is not really effective and could even cause negative effects on their bodies. When dieting, one of the most important things to be aware of is the importance of eating breakfast.

Breakfast is referred to "breakfast" simply because it breaks the long fast. People are asleep during the night for many hours, so in the morning, it is necessary to eat something in order to feel better and have the energy to face the new day. More importantly, having breakfast is vital to a fat burning diet. If you want to lose weight fast, be mindful to eat breakfast every day.
Here are some of the reasons and importance of eating breakfast to the body when dieting:

• Breakfast will allow you to control your hunger and avoid eating snacks later on during the day. What would be the use of your diet when you would eventually eat more because you are hungry, since you skipped breakfast? If ever you skipped breakfast, just ensure to have a healthy snack so that you can still lose weight effectively.

• A healthy breakfast will help in increasing our body's metabolism, Eating breakfast can actually boost our metabolism. If we skip breakfast, we would tend to place our body into starvation mode and try to conserve energy that it can. Now, when we eat breakfast, we are also telling our body that we are awake and we are not fasting anymore. This means that our body is ready to burn fat and utilizes the energy during the day.

• A healthy breakfast would also help us consume enough calories.  Having enough calories is essential because this is responsible in increasing our energy levels. When we regularly skip breakfast, we are also not consuming calories that would end up in dropping off of our energy levels. This would also slow down our metabolism. Losing weight would be that effective.

• Eating breakfast is important in losing weight, as it helps the body achieve its weight loss goal faster. According to researches and studies, those people who miss break-fast are the ones who were 4 times more likely to be over-weight. If you do not want to risk of gaining weight, ensure not to skip breakfast.

These are some of the importance of eating breakfast to the body when dieting. Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day; therefore, it is necessary not to skip it. Of course, when dieting, just make sure that we follow a healthy breakfast so that we can efficiently lose weight and attain our weight loss goals.

Eating breakfast is good and healthy, so do not think that skipping breakfast would help you lose weight. This will just make you feel weak and unhealthy, and this will not do good with your goal of losing weight. Have a healthy breakfast every day and follow the right diet. In no time, you would be surprised to see the positive results with your health and body.

Easy Tips for Successful Weight Loss

Easy Tips for Successful Weight Loss

You have finally made the decision to lose weight! Still, you do not know where to start or how to do it. Here are some easy tips that can help you in your quest.
Before you go shopping, you must have a full stomach to not rush on everything under your nose. Go there alone if possible to avoid all temptations ...

Always start your day with a large glass of water. Make it your habit, it will restart your whole body. If you can, opt for warm or warm water and add a squeezed lemon juice.Only weigh yourself once a week, as the weight can change from one day to another (fasting if possible).
Serve once during the meal and eat copiously.
Avoid as much as possible to consume too much salt and reduce the consumption of all foods that contain it such as cheese, cold cuts ...
A single tablespoon of oil is enough when cooking. Avoid consuming too much fat. Opt for non-stick pans or baking sheets.
Walk as much as possible. Forget your car, lift or public transit. It will also help you get some air and always stay in shape.
When you are thirsty, you have the choice between water, lemon juice, natural fruit juice or green tea. Avoid soft drinks.

If you prefer to eat bread, consume it in moderation. Instead, choose cereal bread or wholemeal bread.
Opt for a plate of raw vegetables as input: cucumbers, tomatoes or salad ... Rassassiant and low in calories, you have a very good reason to consume as much as you want. You also have the opportunity to consume a small bowl of soup before each meal.
Drink 1.5 liters of water a day. You can spread it in small quantities that you drink all day.
Never skip a meal, but rather, eat every 4 hours ... in small quantities of course! For snacks, take a yogurt, fruit or raw vegetables.
One of the mistakes you can make is not to have breakfast. Indeed, it is mandatory because it is the only time of the day where you can really enjoy yourself. Even if you are in a hurry, take a quick breakfast, but satiating!
Choose all high-fiber foods such as lentils, beans, oat bran or whole grain cereals.
Brewer's yeast is good for your health. Assassinate, it will allow you to store more easily the bad fats. You will also find it in capsules in the dietary rays.
Brush your teeth after each meal. Indeed, the taste of toothpaste will prevent you from jumping on anything and everything.
Remember to always have to carry lemons. You can integrate it into your recipes or add the juice of a lemon in warm or hot water that you drink each morning.
Do not make draconian diets, that's what will demotivate you even more. Know that a rebalancing of food is enough to gradually lose weight.
In addition to trick # 4, eat slowly and take the time to chew the food for a better feeling of satiety.
Last but not least, take the time to stretch after waking up. Not only will it help you burn a few calories, but you can also stretch your muscles.

The 10 best fruits that speed up the weight loss process

The 10 best fruits that speed up the weight loss process

Some people think that fruits are not as beneficial for weight loss because of their sugar content. Notwithstanding, fruits contain many nutrients that are good for your health and give you a feeling of fullness while consuming a smaller amount of calories.

Also, note that the sugar in fruits is different from the refined white sugar that we produce. Fruits are not carcinogenic, white sugar is!

Here are the best fruits that promote weight loss:

1. Apple

If you follow a strict diet to lose weight, apples must be part of it. An average apple contains about 50 calories and contains no sodium or fat.

Studies on the subject showed that Brazilian women who consumed apples before meals lost more weight compared to women who did not eat apples.

2. Lawyer

Avocado is considered a superfood because of its content of potassium, vitamins, fiber, healthy fatty acids and nutrients. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated oleic acids found in olive oil as well.

Studies have shown that the fatty acids in avocados promote the absorption of nutrients from the vegetables you consume. In addition, you can substitute meat by avocado in your sandwiches!

3. Banana

A banana contains 105 calories and a medium banana is a perfect food and a rich source of energy, especially after exercise. Indeed, bananas prevent acidity, eliminate muscle cramps and even constipation.

4. Guava

Guava is high in fiber and calories and has a low glycemic index, which means you can eat it without the risk of raising your blood sugar. Guava maintains the proper functioning of your digestive system, which leads to the stimulation of the process of weight loss.

5. Kiwi

Kiwis are high in fiber and have a nice sour taste. Kiwi seeds provide you with soluble and insoluble fiber and stimulate your digestive system.

You can prepare a refreshing kiwi-based snack or add it to your favorite smoothie to enjoy its sweet and sour taste.

6. Watermelon

The watermelon is a fruit essential for weight loss. It contains 90% water and a 100 gr serving contains only 30 calories.

In addition, watermelons are rich in amino acids known as arginine that help you burn fat. They hydrate you and give you a feeling of fullness for a long time, so you avoid nibbling.

7. Strawberries

Strawberries are low calorie and a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins. Regular consumption of strawberries is directly associated with good ocular and cardiovascular health in addition to stimulating the immune system.

There are many ways you can eat strawberries, including mixing them with kale or spinach or apple juice to get a delicious and energizing smoothie for breakfast. The whole eating also helps remove mercury from the fish with the seeds all over the fruit!

8. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that help fight water retention in your body and resistance to leptin while promoting weight loss.

9. Oranges

A 100 gr serving of this fruit contains only 47 calories, which is a perfect snack for a person who follows a strict diet. Thanks to their sweet taste, oranges help you to resist sugar cravings.

10. Pears

The pears are high in fiber that you need every day and are beneficial to the digestive system. This fruit lowers cholesterol levels and decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as coronary heart disease. In addition, the fibers in the pears give you a feeling of fullness and boost your energy because of their vitamin C.

You can lose more than 6kg in just 15 days with this powerful diet

The current society advocates thinness and flat stomach, especially using diets tendencies. Weight gain then becomes a source of complexes and a decline in self-confidence. However, being overweight increases the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart failure.

Therefore, it is essential to losing the extra pounds through regular physical activity and a varied and balanced diet. So, to help you on the path to weight loss, discover a 15-day diet plan, with full menus, in order to lose more than 6 pounds! 

The typical schedule of the 15-day plan:

Week 1:

The 2 Week Diet Monday :

Breakfast: 1 orange (or peach, grapefruit, pineapple but avoid bananas), 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: 1 boiled egg, a yogurt with goat's milk and 1 orange.
Dinner: 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 2 eggs without fat and a portion of cucumber salad and tomatoes.

Tuesday :

Breakfast: 1 orange (or peach, grapefruit, pineapple but avoid bananas), 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 1 boiled egg, and 1 grapefruit.
Dinner: 1 tomato, 1 rusk and 150 grams of grilled white meat.

Wednesday :

Breakfast: 1 orange (or peach, grapefruit, pineapple but avoid bananas), 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: 1 goat's milk yogurt, 1 egg cooked without fat, 1 orange and a portion of salad.
Dinner: Coffee or tea without sugar, 1 orange, 1 slice of wholemeal bread and 150grams of grilled white meat.


Breakfast: 1 orange (or peach, grapefruit, pineapple but avoid bananas), 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: 1 tomato, 150 grams of cottage cheese and a rusk.
Dinner: 1 tomato, 1 apple, 150 grams of grilled white meat and a rusk.

Friday :

Breakfast: 1 orange (or peach, grapefruit, pineapple but avoid bananas), 2 slices of wholemeal bread and coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch:  1 tomato, 200 grams of steamed fish and a rusk.
Dinner: 2 boiled potatoes, 1 tomato and 500 grams of grilled or steamed vegetables.

Weekend :

During the weekend, you can eat normally. However, avoid processed or canned goods, sweets as well as alcohol and salt.

The 2 Week Diet Week 2:

Monday :

Breakfast: 1 orange (or peach, grapefruit, pineapple but avoid bananas), 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: 2 tomatoes, 2 boiled eggs, 2 slices of wholemeal bread and half a cucumber.
Dinner: Vegetable soup and goat's milk yogurt.

Tuesday :

Breakfast: 1 orange (or peach, grapefruit, pineapple but avoid bananas), 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: A salad of cucumber, tomato, lettuce and tuna au naturel and 1 rusk.
Dinner: Pumpkin soup and 1 slice of wholemeal bread.

Wednesday :

Breakfast: 1 orange (or peach, grapefruit, pineapple but avoid bananas), 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: A vegetable omelet and 1 slice of wholemeal bread.
Dinner: A fish fillet in the oven and 500 grams of grilled vegetables.

The 2 Week Diet

Breakfast: 1 orange (or peach, grapefruit, pineapple but avoid bananas), 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: 150 grams of grilled white meat, a portion of whole rice and 1 tomato.
Dinner: 1 peach, 1 rusk, 2 boiled eggs and a portion of salad.

Friday :

Breakfast: 1 orange (or peach, grapefruit, pineapple but avoid bananas), 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a coffee or tea without sugar.
Lunch: A salad of quinoa and lentils with raw vegetables.
Dinner: 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 1 tomato and 500 grams of grilled or steamed vegetables.

Weekend :

During the weekend, you can eat normally. However, avoid processed or canned products as well as alcohol and salt.

The 2 Week Diet

In addition, favor spices and herbs to decorate your preparations and remember to hydrate yourself by consuming 1.5litres to 2litres of water each day. At the end of the diet and once your goal is reached, you can stabilize your weight by performing one to two days of the diet each week.

For people with cardiovascular problems, seek the advice of your doctor before starting this regimen.

For More Information Please Click Here 

The 4 Basic Elements For Weight Loss

The 4 Basic Elements For Weight Loss

You probably hear lots of tips here and there about losing weight. What to do, what not to do, etc.

I like to go back to the basics, the basics. Because it is by understanding things at the base that we can better understand the rest.

It's the same for weight loss.   

In the United States, a study of 3,000 adults who lost an average of 60 lbs, but did not resume them for more than 60 months (5 years), revealed that for the majority of these people, there were four recurring factors:

- Decrease in calorie intake;

- Regular practice of physical activity;

- Weekly weighing;

- Ingestion of a breakfast every morning.

A little physiology

The loss of body fat is directly related to metabolism.

People often hear about metabolism, but not many know what it is.

Metabolism is "the set of biochemical reactions catalyzed by appropriate enzymes and resulting in syntheses (anabolism) or degradation (catabolism) of biological molecules" (OQLF, 1990). It is the set of "physical and chemical exchanges in the tissues through which a body is kept alive and its energy regenerated" (OQLF, 1990).

The metabolism is in two parts: the anabolism which is the synthesis, the construction, and the catabolism which is the degradation, the disassimilation.

If we focus on adipose tissue, the one we want to lose, we must understand the phenomenon of its degradation, the catabolism of fatty tissue.

Lipolysis ( lipo- fatty, lysis: loosening) is "the hydrolysis of fat, resulting in a melting of adipose tissue" (QQLF, 1982). This is "the initial stage of lipid catabolism. Under the action of lipases, triglycerides are hydrolyzed to fatty acids, glycerols and partial glycerides "(OQLF, 1987).

The 2 Week Diet
So, more simply, lipolysis is degradation, melting, loss of body fat.

This is what interests us.

Decrease in caloric intake

Fats that can be hydrolyzed, degraded, lost, come mainly from three places.

First, they come from food, from caloric intake.

Secondly, they come from the fats that are stored in the adipocytes, the fat cells.

And finally, they come from the stores stored in the muscles. However, these are only very small amounts of fat. These are not the fats we are aiming for.

You surely know it, that's what we eat that gives us energy.

And that's what we eat too much - the energy that's contained in food, but we do not spend - that makes us gain weight.

This is the main reason for excess weight: too much caloric or energy intake.

If we eat less, our organization will draw on our reserves to meet its energy needs.

And it will go among other draws in fat tissue, adipocytes: lipolysis.

So the first thing you can do to lose weight is to reduce your caloric intake (Extenso, 2013).

Regular practice of physical activity

This is the second essential.

No matter what you do as a physical activity - running, swimming, cycling, bodybuilding, walking, etc. - there is an energy expenditure.

Even sleeping or breathing while sitting requires energy expenditure.

When your muscles are stressed, they cause your body to consume energy.

And if you have decreased your calorie intake, your body will have to draw on your fat reserves.

This is how weight loss is optimized. By creating a negative energy balance.

Weekly weighing

The 2 Week Diet
For many people, using the scale is an uncomfortable moment.

Many people simply do not weigh themselves because the figure of their body weight becomes a weight itself.

The first use of weighing is to have a quantifiable and measurable data to know its evolution and to be able to note the changes in our body mass.

But it's not just weighing that helps to see changes or fluctuations in weight.

First, there are our clothes. Tightest pants or a hole closer or further down the waist make you realize very quickly that your waistline has changed.

Then there is the tape measure for your waist. Here, as for weighing, there is a measure, a number, a quantity.

And then also, there is the percentage of fat that is calculated by measuring skin folds or with bio-impedance. But these are less accessible techniques.

As a scientist, however, I have to advocate a form of measurement so that you can see your evolution at least by yourself.

The 2 Week Diet
Seeing the numbers over time, in a notebook or the spreadsheet software, you will be able to realize where you come to know where you go.

Note, however, that no matter the measure, always take it in the same conditions. For example, weighing would be done every Friday morning on an empty stomach.

That's how you can measure your progress.

Ingestion of a breakfast every morning

The word "lunch" literally means "undo, stop fasting".

In English, the word " breakfast " is also clear: break: break, fast: fast.

The absence of lunch would be related to excess weight. We can not say it beyond all doubt, but there is a lot of research going on right now.

One fact remains: sitting in the morning or at sunrise and "undoing the fast" is part of the adoption of good habits.

And if your schedule does not allow you to get up early and you're up just around lunch time, you can always say that you are "branches" instead of having lunch.

It's a good health compromise because, in English, the word "brunch" is a contraction of " breakfast " " and " lunch ".
The 2 Week Diet

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